The Toronto Sun says Division Of Laura Lee's Black City "satisfies"

There's such a knot of angst and swagger on this breakthrough disc from Division Of Laura Lee, the Swedish quartet come perilously close to tripping over it. But, somehow, Black City works.

Like just about every band to arrive on the current Scandinavian rock wave, Division Of Laura Lee are stylish and inventive enough to be ahead of the curve. Their sound, which borrows in careful measures the icy new wave thud of Joy Division and the riff-happy rage of The Stooges, couldn't be better timed given the rise of likeminded U.S. bands such as The Liars, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and The Rapture. Think of it as the next stage in the garage rock revival (supposedly) signalled their famous ex-labelmates The Hives.

More importantly, however, is the dose of fun and abandon D.O.L.L. can pack in alongside the more shadowy elements. It's a tall order -one that Black City satisfies.

By KIERAN GRANT -- Toronto Sun

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