What to expect from Division Of Laura Lee

Here is what the O.C. Weekly had to say about their upcoming show:

"From horribly cute, awful Euro pop to icy, black satanic metal to thoroughly American-style garage rock, Sweden is spewing music at the rate Starbucks turns out bad coffee. And even better than the Hives---quite a bit better---is a Swedish band called Division of Laura Lee, who are both moodier and more tuneful than their label mates. There's nothing even slightly Euro about Division of Laura Lee, other than their English-as-a-second-language lyrics. They seem to have swallowed up '90s alt.-rock, grunge and punk rock and credibly replicate it in their own mildly tortured, slightly dramatic and consistently rocking manner, not unlike . . . And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead.

Headlining is the (International) Noise Conspiracy, another Swedish band, but one that doesn't compare to singer Dennis' previous band, the Refused, who were simply punker. [The Refused sounded like an anarchist hailstorm, while the (International) Noise Conspiracy, though not bad, are more like an overnight sprinkling.] Opening the show is the Locust, some gutter-looking, Slayer-patch-wearing, Fontana types who fire off 30- to 50-seconds-long bursts of grindcore that have been known to cause various Nascar fans and 15-year-old, pooka-shell-necklace-wearing heshers to murder their roommates. This foursome of insects create music that is vicious and ugly, a metal-inspired, exploding-glue-factory, falling-moose type of racket that is scarier than pus-covered zombies biting off your arms."

---Adam Bregman

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