"The spirit of Joe Strummer will live on"

The spirit of Joe Strummer will live on at this year's Glastonbury - and EMILY EAVIS is launching a massive petition at the festival for MAKE TRADE FAIR.

Emily has been working with Chris Martin on Oxfam's Make Trade Fair, campaigning throughout the year. She told NME.COM that she, alongside her dad, Glasto founder Michael Eavis, is planning on starting a petition which will be delivered at the Global Trade Conference in Mexico later this year.

Emily said: "I got my dad inspired! It's going to be a big deal this year at Glastonbury. We've got a petition called 'The Big Noise' which will be presented at the Global Trade Conference in September.

"Glastonbury is going to be a big part of this. We're going to get everybody we can to sign it from the headline bands onwards. Fair Trade is going to be the focus of this year's festival. It's all about Make Trade Fair. If you visit maketradefair.com there'll be loads of information about it."

Emily was speaking from the festival site, where builders have just arrived to build the massive fence that will stop anyone trying to get in to see Radiohead or REM for free. She said that one other new feature this year will be a stone tribute to late The Clash singer Joe Strummer.

She revealed: "We're not going to say exactly where it will be on the site, but there's a tribute stone for Joe Strummer. It's a massive stone from the local quarry. That whole area will be a dedicated Joe tribute area where little things will be going on. It's going to be very peaceful."

This year's festival runs from June 27-29 and is long sold out."

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