The new Youth Group CD gets an incredible review

More often than not bands are categorized not necessarily by their musical abilities, but more so by which bands they resemble or which bands approve of these new found rock stars. It almost seems as though a new artist's popularity is partially derived from how close they sound to the "hot ticket". I don't mean to hinder at the fact that comparison is effective promotion, or having another artist approve of your band is a terrific and marketable compliment, but I am more or less pointing out that sometimes we become more concerned with similarities and approval as opposed to the genuine talent. Music has to be given a voice to speak for itself without predisposition.

Youth Group's Skeleton Jar is an album that I could easily compare to several of my personal favorites, not because it lacks originality, but due to the band's ability to blend together the heart and soul of several genres. This clean, indie rock ensemble has mastered the art of emotional context and music with a melodic background that makes you glance to the darling beside you and simply whisper, "wow" (I say darling based on the principle that this album will induce feelings of euphoria that will cause one to feel as though those round them are in fact a darling or delightful and their company is appreciated). Youth Group has placed a positive and new direction into Epitaph's ever growing family of bands. I believe their music has a voice that will soon make them the hot ticket that others will be compared too.

And for those people who require some form of comparison, let's say they sound like the love child as produced by your 10 favorite bands fucking 8 of my favorite bands on cotton candy in the back of a lumber yard.

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