Hot Water Music's "Caution" is reviewed by

Here is what they had to say about the new album due out on October 8th.

When a band's discography grows like chia pet on steroids, keeping a perspective on their music jumps from an objective regard to all other bands, to the more subjective, "how does this compare to their other releases?" That said, "Caution" blows the roof off their past discs, "No Division" and "A Flight And A Crash," and is so much more advanced in songwriting as to their earlier No Idea Records material, that it's almost mind-boggling. No wait, it definitely is mind-boggling.

"Caution's" first three tunes jump out and grab the listener like no other tandem of three HOT WATER MUSIC's vast catalog. From the driving "Remedy," to the chorus a'plenty, "Trusty Chords," and to the downright scorching, "I Was On A Mountaintop," I'd dare anyone to find a comparable match of passion and frenzy. The fourth track, "One Step to Slip," retreats a tad in aggression and moves the band back to a more temperate, but still powerful level. A similar pattern is repeated throughout the rest of the disc, proving "Caution" to be the most aggressive release put out by the band since they sounded like AVAIL! Lyrically, as any prior fan knows, HOT WATER MUSIC convey personal sentiments that the ordinary man could never express in the same light. Hardened, teased, and tested, HOT WATER MUSIC paint observations in frames. "Alright for now," is blessed with a somber tone of new found solitary, and the song is a hazy trip through someone else's uncomfortable moment. As listener's of other people's troubles and sorrows, we often find ourselves placing those sentiments on the backburner as to focus on the music alone, with HOT WATER MUSIC, separating the two destroys the moment entirely. But right when "Caution" feels like it is dragging you under with it, HOT WATER MUSIC come back with a fight song in "Wayfarer," and the band's supercharged level of positive spirit takes root once again.

Brian McTernan produced and recorded "Caution" as well as "A Flight and A Crash," but the two records contain clear differences in recording style. Namely, Chuck's gravelly voice seems have greater range, and a lesser chance of reverting into his more "warbly" moments. Concurrently, the dualing guitarwork is ridiculously fluid (and not has jerky sounding as "...Flight") and the drums pound with a consistent thwacking. Perhaps, the band's recent two month tour with BAD RELIGION fueled up the anger, and intensity up a notch. As "Caution" is topped off with beautiful artwork and a delicate feeling of being a part of something special, no doubt, HOT WATER MUSIC have upped the ante of what they are capable of.

Jordan A. Baker

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