Death By Stereo Tour Update: Efrem gets punched in the mouth!

So Efrem "The Bean" Schulz emailed me on Sunday to tell me that the European tour is going great, except for the fact that a rabid German socked him in the jaw! The band was in Hanover trying to come correct with some technical metal mastery when some cock-boy jumped up on stage and floored "The Bean" with a stiff blow to the grill! Unfortunate...yes, but funny as hell if you ask me!

The only thing that bothers me is why Dan "Muscles" Palmer didn't kill the bastard with a box of frozen Veggie Bacon? I mean I've see Dan bench 300 lbs. for reps and I know he could have pummeled the bastard with a frozen block of Vegan goodness...but then again an assault with a deadly weapon charge in a foreign county isn't the best idea either! Oh well, I'll keep you posted if Efrem gets jacked-up again.

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