Death By Stereo added to Slipknot/Jager tour!

He is the some great news from DBS that they posted on their official website: "We are doing a week of the upcoming Jager/Slipknot tour. It's with Fear Factory and also Chimaira. We will be doing the tour from April 30th to May 5th. Go to href='' target='_blank'> for more details. We want to let everyone in Guadalajara know about the date change. We will be playing the on Sunday the 29th rather than the 28th. It's still the same venue information, so come on out. We also wanted to say "thank you" for supporting us at the Troubadour on sunday. Thanks to the bands Nightfall, Donnybrook, and Throwdown and especially everyone else who made it a sold out event. Thank you LA!!!!"

You can bet your ass Efrem will go and make friends with all of them - "Amazing Dude!"

Meanwhile, Dan should be off in the shadows trying to quench his "Transylvanian Hunger" - "So Pure!"