"THE DVD" is a 90-minute documentary following the rise of the Australian metal-core juggernauts Parkway Drive. The film follows the quintet from humble beginnings on the beaches of the NSW North Coast to storming stages all over the world. Part documentary, part extreme-sports video, part live footage...all metal! As an added bonus, the disc will also feature a full live set shot at Sydney's Roundhouse in 2008.
Released: 9/9/2022
Released: 6/7/2022
Released: 3/27/2020
Released: 5/4/2018
Released: 2/27/2018
Released: 7/15/2016
Released: 9/25/2015
Released: 10/30/2012
Released: 6/29/2010
Released: 10/9/2007
Released: 8/22/2006
In the kitchen of the Byron Bay home of Winston McCall stands a refrigerator, adorned on one side by a quote from Tom Waits: "I …